Journey With Us

Journey With Us


Raised so far

  • About

What are our objectives?
Since the establishment of Caring Matters Now, we have been working in partnership with Professor Veronica Kinsler and her research team at the Francis Crick Institute and Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health to find the cause of CMN, which would enable us to find a cure. In June 2024, Professor Veronica Kinsler published an article in the Investigate Dermatology (Nature) Medical Journal detailing a huge breakthrough in the CMN research work. Professor Kinsler has designed a new genetic therapy in the lab which has silenced the CMN gene in CMN cells, causing those cells to destroy themselves. This discovery may eventually lead to reversing CMN in and on the skin.

What difference will this make?
There are many different expressions of CMN, including neurological complexities and the risk of melanoma. Our vision is to live in a world where no one suffers because of CMN and so for some of our members this newly developed treatment could prove to be life transforming. There is currently no treatment for CMN - this will be the first! It is expected this new treatment will be at clinical trial within the next 24 months.

Who is the money going to help?
Looking ahead, we have lots of work to do - publicising the research breakthrough on a global scale; supporting patients who take part in clinical trials; continuing to deliver our Support Pathway to all families affected by CMN; educating medical professionals about CMN so families can make informed medical choices and; continuing to raise the profile of CMN through our fantastic 'how do you C Me Now?' campaign. To do all this we must raise £500,000 over the next 4 years. Please help us! We are so close to finding a treatment for CMN; you can join us on our journey!

Thank you!
We do hope you are able to take time to reflect on the truly incredible dedication of Professor Kinsler and her team to get the CMN research to this point of discovering a potential treatment. Over the past 26 years, as a charity, we have been able to provide Professor Kinsler with over one million pounds of research funding raised by our member and supporters. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey and we ask that you continue to partner with us as we step into this exciting new chapter!

To find out more, visit our website here.